For those of you who want to go cruising the sky but don’t have those essentials like a pilot’s license and an airplane – you’re in luck. Startup company Kitty Hawk is ready to make your dreams all too real with their ‘Flyer’, a new all-electric ultra light plane!
Kitty Hawk did not come out of nowhere. They were financed by Google founder Larry Page, and have already showed off an all-electric autonomous flying taxi called the Cora!
Reminding us of a massive drone, the tiny Kitty Hawk Flyer seats just one person operating two joysticks in a central pod, which gets sick boost though 10 propellers. Powered by batteries, it can fly up to 3 metres off the ground at speeds of up to 32 km/h! Battery life will give you enough juice for 12 to 20 minutes of fly fun, depending on how fast you’re going or how much weight you’re carrying. The flyer itself weighs 115 kg.
As long as you’re flying over water or crowd-free areas, you don’t even have to worry about getting a pilot’s license! The company says the Flyer is easy to fly but recommends professional training; and since it looks like a bobsled mounted on pontoons surrounded by rotors — some safety training will be needed!
Because it’s powered by motors instead of internal combustion engines, the Flyer will be much much quieter than other ultra light aircraft, in fact it’s only as loud as a lawnmower from 15 metres away!
Make no mistake, the Flyer is a legit, real product that interested peeps can preorder through the company’s website now. No price is listed as yet, but for now Kitty Hawk wants recreational users to enjoy it through its rental scheme. We don’t care if we have to borrow money, we’re ready to hit the clouds now!
Kitty Hawk Flyer