After being out with an injury, The Phenomenal One is finally back in the game.
KRASH: How did you break your ankle?
AJ Styles: I was taking a backdrop and in that couple of seconds of landing my ankle turned in on me and snapped. I knew right when I did it, it was one of those things, it was like ‘I’m done’. It’s crazy how being in a boot for a while you forget how are certain things we take for granted – like walking and running and jumping!

KRASH: What have you made of Seth Rollins and his character evolution while you’ve been out with injury?
AJ Styles: There are layers to Seth’s character and that’s what you want in wrestling, it’s longevity. He’s doing it unbelievably well right now. I’m not surprised though, he keeps working hard, keeps doing his thing, he’s a go-getter.

KRASH: You’re back alongside The OC, how much are you enjoying be back with Gallows and Anderson?
I think that when we’re together, that’s when we do the best business. It’s a good little family there and we all know each other so well and Mia is such a good extension to that family. I think it’s awesome and I just want to get into it and do more.

KRASH: How did the addition of Mia to the group happen?
AJ Styles: I don’t know how exactly it came around and who had the idea, but I can tell you she is a great fit for us. She was the missing piece.

KRASH: You’re a Dad to four children, have any of them show any signs of following you into wrestling?
AJ Styles: My son is chasing his dream of baseball and he’s still got one more year of high school and then he’ll go to college and play, so we’ll see where that ends up.
KRASH: When you were off with your injury, did it start you thinking about what you might do after WWE?
AJ Styles: Wrestling is my job and I love my job, but it’s not my life. I think I look at it through a different lens than most because my life doesn’t revolve around wrestling, it revolves around my family. Not many people can say that but I think that’s what helps me in my career.

KRASH: How about the Hall of Fame… who would be the ideal person to induct you?
AJ Styles: Me and Dolph Ziggler sat in the front row at the Hall of Fame, and we said wouldn’t it be cooler if we had a music video induct us rather than someone come out and talk for us. So, I’m going to see if I can swing it.
KRASH: If you were to tell fans to watch one AJ Styles match, which one would it be?
AJ Styles: Just put the SummerSlam match or the Royal Rumble match on with me and John Cena and you’re going to enjoy it.
See AJ Styles compete each week on SmackDown, Saturday mornings live on BINGE.
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