Braid Anniversary Edition

(PC, Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, iOS, Android)

Back when the indie gaming scene first boomed, one of the first big success stories was 2008’s Braid. It looks like a simple sidescrolling platformer, with gorgeous, but retro-inspired visuals.

The main character Tim isn’t particularly well animated either as he goes on his journey to rescue a princess from a monster. But the genius is in the unique gameplay. You can jump, stomp enemies, collect keys to open doors and pull levers to make platforms move.

But you can also rewind time, even when you die. This moves everything in the world backwards with the player, too, allowing you to re-solve difficult sections. Plus, each of the six worlds adds a new time controlling mechanic that adds layer after layer of depth. It’s not an easy game, but it’s very rewarding, and looks and sounds better than ever in this Anniversary Edition.

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